want-to-pass-ged-hiset-tascIs passing the GED, HiSET or TASC test really a major goal of yours? If not you will likely not pass these important test! One of the best ways to overcome any self-doubts about passing these exams is to commit to a big goal. Now, I’m not talking about a typical goal like losing 5 lbs. before my best friend’s wedding. I’m talking about setting a goal that is so powerful that you must achieve success.  The only way you can set a goal where you know failure is not an option is by knowing the reasons you need to achieve the goal.  You see, if you don’t have a road map of where you want to go in life you will end up going in circles and wasting precious time.  Goals provide that road map for your life; and the more powerful the reasons you want to accomplish a goal, the better your chances of success. For example, which goal below would you most likely accomplish?

  1. lose 5 lbs. to look better for a party next month
  2. lose 5 lbs. to decrease the chance of having another heart attack

Clearly, goals that have major positive or negative consequences are the ones we most likely achieve. Hence, when it comes to wanting to pass the GED, HiSET or TASC you need to write it as your goal and link it to some powerful positive and negative consequences. After you do this you will have clarity to take action- this is the difference between “wanting” and “doing”.